Paintings by contemporary artist Helen Butler.
Works made during an artist residency at Foundation OBRAS in Portugal, inspired by the colours in the sky during evening twilight and meditative states of being.

Bliss / oil on canvas / 80x100cm / 2018 / sold

Paintings by contemporary artist Helen Butler.
The painting was made during an artist residency at Foundation OBRAS in Portugal, inspired by the colours in the sky during evening twilight and meditative states of being.

Drunk on Love / oil on canvas / 80x100cm / 2018 / sold

Paintings by contemporary artist Helen Butler.
The apinting was made following an artist residency at Foundation OBRAS in Portugal, inspired by the colours in the sky during evening twilight and meditative states of being.

Unbound / oil on canvas / 80x100cm / 2019 / sold

Paintings by contemporary artist Helen Butler.
The painting was made following an artist residency at Foundation OBRAS in Portugal, inspired by the colours in the sky during evening twilight and meditative states of being.

Wonder / oil on canvas / 80x100cm / 2019 / sold

Paintings by contemporary artist Helen Butler.
The painting was made following an artist residency at Foundation OBRAS in Portugal, inspired by the colours in the sky during evening twilight and meditative states of being.

Luminescence / oil on canvas / 80x100cm / 2019 / sold

©Helen Butler 2024
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